It is also possible to rotate videos with FFmpeg: ffmpeg -i example-video.mp4 -vf "transpose=2 " output-rotate. The concat parameter here combines your files. 1)downlo install OpenCV Looking for ffmpeg/avformat.h - not found Visit Jeremys Blog. Then, run the following command: ffmpeg -f concat -i my-video-list. OS: Centos 6, 64bit The ffmpeg has been already installed via following commands. Enter the list of videos you want to merge into a. Imagine you have multiple clips encoded with the same codec.

NO FFmpeg files present or to be found anywhere.

So in GUI I navigate to the folders where said install supposedly just took place a.k.a. When I enter the command "ffmpeg" in terminal it says cannot be found error. This is a highly technical guide to how we managed to install ffmpeg on several CentOS 5.5 32 and 64bit platforms to achieve an effective modern web video transcoder. I also check to make sure that those locations are in fact the correct place via echo $PATH (in terminal). After install I check the file paths within the Software Tool (select the button "Files") and see that all 200+ files were installed into the appropriate folders/locations. I'm finding the package and installing it (source: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64 - ATrpms) via the software tool. I'm familiar with Linux enough to know something fruity is going on when I use the Software Tool in CentOS 7 to install FFmpeg.